Vet Schools Abroad: University of Bristol (UK)
Located in one of my favorite cities, the University of Bristol is highly regarded.
And one of its premier degree programs is its Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, which can be studied straight out of high school (5 years) or in the accelerated 4-year graduate entry option.
Bristol has been educating future vets for a very long time, having opened its vet school doors 74 years ago.

It has been AVMA-accredited since 2019, which means it's super easy for a U.S. student to bring this degree back to the U.S.
Students are taught in a case-based learning style, where they work on individual animal cases in groups of 12 and learn to approach cases in a holistic manner.
They spend the first three years studying in Bristol's city centre with one day a week at the more regional Langford campus (about 30 minutes away, and the university does provide a bus service).

Then in years four and five, students are at Langford full-time.
Here, they benefit from facilities that include a commercial dairy farm, a first opinion practice for small and large animals and a referral hospital for small animals.

But before getting thrown in to the deep end though, there are plenty of opportunities to practice on stuffed animals.

There are also social spaces just for students, a cafe, gym and community garden, and brand new facilities will be coming in January 2025.

Bristol is also known for its animal welfare and behavior research.

In terms of the admissions process, Bristol's vet school is quite unique in that there is no interview and no cap on international student places.
If students have met or are predicted to meet the minimum entry requirements, they progress to the next stage, which is completing a 3-question questionnaire on their knowledge and understanding of the program and profession.
Around 400-500 students will then receive offers out of 1,100-1,200 applications, which are pretty good odds given the school ranks 16th in the world for veterinary medicine!
Lastly, for high school students interested in finding out more about Bristol's vet program, I highly recommend its summer program, Destination Vet.

For more information on the wider university as well as the city of Bristol, don't forget to check out this post!